How to Create an Innovative Workplace

Here are tips for solo practitioners and large organizations to boost a company’s productivity and market share— and fun quotient— right now.

How to Create an Innovative Workplace

by John J. McAdam WG90 October 28, 2014

Whether you’re in a team of one or a group of 1,000, creating an innovative workplace has become important for a business to maintain competitiveness in the long run. An innovative workplace is also a benefit for employees; it creates a fun and exciting place to work.

If your business offers new products every year (or as often as your customers need them), then you probably already maintain an innovative workplace. But what if you haven’t come out with a new product or service in years? Are you still innovative? How do you know?

First, let’s look at solo entrepreneurs (or business owners who mostly work alone). Then, we’ll explore some characteristics of innovation in teams.

If you mostly work alone and haven’t offered a new product or service to your customers in a while, then consider new avenues or new approaches. Remember, if you don’t offer something new to your customers, your competitors will.

Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

If you work with teams, your situation is a little different. A published study by Bledow, Frese, Anderson, Eres, & Farr (2009) analyzed over 150 research studies on innovation and suggested that several factors can contribute to the degree of innovation in organizations. Based on this research, their insights about the characteristics of innovative workplaces include:

By comparing characteristics of innovation between large and small organizations, we see some unique perspectives. For example, both types of organizations benefit from keeping innovations small, natural extensions of existing offerings—as opposed to a radically new invention. Also, small organizations rely more on studying customers and competitors, while large organizations rely more on cooperating with one another. In all sizes of companies, there is something each of us can do to make our workplace more innovative.