Character Reference and Supporting letters

Convicted Driver Insurance

Im just in the process of getting prepared for Court on Friday. Iv sat down to wriote my letter and although i know what i want to say I'm unsure how to start it. Should i mention in the letter about not having any familiy that live less than 35 miles away, that im a working single mom and half way through a degree or does this sound like on im on my soap box??

As no one really knows I have asked my work colleague and my mom to write me a character reference I cant think of anyone wlse i could ask. My team leader knows but off the record as I dont want to risk loosing my job. He wont do it as has already said if this comes out I'm not to say he knows. I have emailed my lecturer at Uni but its half term so not sure if he will get it in time.

ANY help that ANYONE could give me on this no matter how small would be a great help. I blew 67 and with previous clean record and no aggrivating factors Im really hoping and praying for the 12 months rather than 17-22 so hoping to build up as good a case as i can. Thank you!



Hi Sl8 - i'm in the same position as you There is no way I can afford a solicitor to represent me so was wondering if anyone could give wise words on how exactly the letter and character references should be worded?

I did think about going to Citizen's advice for advice on how I should write the letter - maybe you should try them?

Bus Buddy

New Member

Hi, I understand how worried you must be and can only offer my advice which may not be the best advice but will hopefully help a bit. I would think that what would be taken into consideration would be any mitigating factors ie,short distance travelled, noone else in the car, no accident occured, weather conditions etc. Also reason you drove eg if an emergency. Also if losing your license could affect your job and you have a family to support would probably be worth mentioning, along with the complete regret and remorse that you have felt and willingness to attend the drink drive awareness course. character references would be good if you can indicate that you are usually responsible and this is completely out of character. Good luck



Thank you I have drafted my letter today and my references are being done as we speak, I have my work colleague a close friend and my mom as there is no one else really that knows. What good it will do Im not sure but it certainly cant do any harm can it.
When are you in court luckyme? the nerves and the depression is setting in now



Good luck for your court case on Friday - fingers crossed it goes well for you. Mine is two weeks today - i've spoken to two solicitors who have been very helpful to me without me having to pay - I've decided to do the two character references and write a personal letter to the court too in the hope it may help.

I've decided not to tell my employer which is a bit risky i'm scared they are going to find out and hope that i get the shortest ban possible

Let me know how you get on in court