Voting Rights Project



The UCLA Voting Rights Project is the flagship project of the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute aimed at creating an accessible and equitable system of voting for all Americans through impact litigation, research, and clinical education to expand access to the ballot box.


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Expert Issues Brief Education

The Impact of a Broken Immigration System on U.S. Students and Schools

Published December 4, 2023

This issue brief examines the harmful impact of immigration enforcement actions on Latino children of undocumented immigrants.



While the public’s attention remains directed to the border—the epicenter of the debate about immigration policy—the children of undocumented immigrants who have already crossed the border exist in permanent limbo, fearful every day that their parents will be snatched away from them, and wondering if they have any future in this country. Many of these students identify as Latinx. Instead of focusing on their education, these students struggle with this uncertainty and as a result are often absent from school or inattentive. Their teachers also struggle to motivate them and sometimes to protect them. The broken immigration system hurts schools and creates victims across the spectrum of race and ethnicity in the United States, but it is especially acute for these students.

This policy brief summarizes key findings from “Schools Under Siege: The Impact of Immigration Enforcement on Educational Equity” by Dr. Patricia Gándara and Dr. Jongyeon Ee. Their book brings to attention the degree to which millions of U.S.-born students and their school communities are impacted by aggressive immigration enforcement.

Key Findings

Impact on Academic Performance:

Student Attendance, Grade Retention and Dropout Rates:

Bullying and School Safety:

Impact on School Climate and Engagement:

Impact on Educators:

Policy Recommendations