How To Start Engaging Employees In Strategy Development

If done well, participative strategizing beats top-down strategy. It brings in more perspectives leading to better strategy, and it also improves strategy execution afterwards. But, where to start and how to do it?

Why Participation in Strategy Development Works

For many organizations, the pinnacle of good strategy making is engaging all employees somehow in the strategy process. The reasons for this are fourfold:

  1. Better Strategy. Participation means more perspectives and more perspectives means a richer input from different levels and roles in the organization. This makes strategy more fitting, more concrete, and more fool-proof.
  2. Smoother Execution. Participation means ownership and ownership leads to engagement. It reduces resistance later on and thereby speeds up and smoothens the overall strategy process.
  3. Competence Development. Participation means learning-by-doing. The more people are made part of the process, the more they learn what strategy is, how to create it, and what it means specifically for the company
  4. Team Alignment. Participation means communication and communication enables alignment. In a participative process people share and hear each other’s perspectives, ideas and insights, which facilitates alignment across functions and levels.

Why Participation in Strategy Is Difficult

As the four reasons above show, there’s a clear case for engaging employees throughout the strategy process. But, more often than not, companies are afraid to do so, or don’t see how they can do this without creating a resource-consuming mess with high hopes and no results. Here are some of the reasons why leaders are hesitant:


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While understandable, a 2004 Long Range Planning article by Collier, Fishwick and Floyd, “Managerial Involvement and Perceptions of Strategy Process” shows that these fears are ungrounded. On the contrary, their research shows that more involvement results in less politics, constrained strategy and cultural inertia.

How to Start Engaging Employees in Strategy-Making

With the advantages being clear and the objections rejected by research, the case for engaging employees in strategy development is clear. The challenge that many organizations face now is how to get started in a way that is effective, but that does not immediately contradict the current hierarchy or approach to strategy.

Step 1: Pick an Existing Type of Meeting

The basic idea is to stick to the current meeting structure that is present in an organization. So, instead of adding yet another meeting type, one uses meeting types that are already in place. The reason for this is to lower the threshold and start participative strategizing in an unobtrusive, natural way.

It could be monthly team meetings or weekly standups. It could be one-on-ones or team meetings. It could be face-to-face or online. It doesn’t really matter where one starts and what type of meeting it is exactly. As long as the normal mode of communication and meetings is adopted, this should work.

Step 2: Create an Open Dialogue Around 3Is

To start low risk, one simply adds something to the selected type of meeting: a brief dialogue around Issues, Insights and Ideas (the 3Is). During a dedicated time frame within the meeting, ask people for their:

When leading those meetings, the manager’s challenge is to create a safe space where open communication prevails, to listen and understand, and to capture what is said.

Step 3: Elevate the Conversation to a More Strategic Level

Initially, people are likely to talk primarily about operational day-to-day topics. Especially employees that have no leadership position will do so, because they are not used to thinking more strategically. But, also managers, and even executives have this same tendency because those topics are often more visible and urgent.

The trick is to let this go for a while and don't worry about whether what is brought in is “strategic” enough. As long as people do bring in their Issues, Insights, and Ideas this is perfectly okay. Because it shows and reinforces the most important step: creating an engaging dialogue.

Once that is in place, one can start probing and guiding them to think more strategically beyond their own job, toward their team, unit or even the entire organization. And from the short-term to the medium-term or even long-term. What Issues, Insights and Ideas do they have there?

Step 4: Follow-Up and Act

The final crucial step is to actually do something with what people say. Because, gathering input and not following up is detrimental for continuing people’s engagement. Without it, they will quickly lose interest and no longer contribute because nothing happens anyway.

Therefore, after each meeting, the manager’s responsibility is to channel what was said to the right person, to spiral it up in the hierarchy, or to initiate action themselves. Or, if an Issue, Insight or Idea doesn’t fit, explain to the person bringing it in why it cannot be done. People generally understand this. What they don’t understand is if nothing happens. So, always follow-up. Always.

Copyright notice: the 3Is and the overall idea of participative strategy-making are adapted from my latest book, The One-Hour Strategy, where the 3Is appear on pp54-55.