Second Council of Lyons

Reckoned by RCs the 14th Oecumenical Council, it was convoked by Gregory X mainly to bring about union with the Greek Church. The desire of the Greeks for union arose chiefly out of their fears of Charles of Anjou, who was seeking to become Latin Emp. of Constantinople, and the legates of the Greek Emperor, Michael VIII Paleologus, were ready to submit to Rome. The union achieved ended in 1289. The Council suppressed some of the newly founded mendicant orders but approved the Franciscans and Dominicans.

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Reference entries
Lyons, Second Council of (1274)
in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (2 rev) Length: 91 words
Lyons, Second Council of (1274)
in The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3 rev) Length: 493 words
Lyons, Second Council of
in The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium Length: 397 words

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